Everyone has a dream and this is no exception.
Long Shadow Games is the crazy dream of one man (me), who thinks it would be fun to write a role playing game all of his own. Oh he’ll probably create some other stuff along the way, but the main focus will be on the game he likes to call Shapers.
If you aren’t aware (and why would you be?) Shapers is a tabletop role-playing game set in a future version of our world. Things have gone a little (how shall put this?) – haywire in the world of Shapers.
Shapers themselves are characters within the game that can do extraordinary things and more often that not the players (you) will each control one such character. So what will you be? Do you want to be a wizard or sorcerer, throwing around spells like there’s no tomorrow? How about a mad scientist, creating new inventions and tinkering with things? If that doesn’t catch your fancy why not play a mutant with mind bending powers, or something not even human that has stepped right out of some fairy tale? (Ed. – Hey, I said it was haywire!)
If you’re intrigued and want to read more, then you have come to the right place, because this site will house the work in progress that is Shapers. If you like what you see, why not head on over to our Patreon page and become a subscriber?