After a lengthy discussion over on Discord with my fellow Rat Catchers, I decided to write up an optional rule for combat that allows a character to charge, attack and then attempt to disengage and continue their move.
This will hopefully add an interesting dynamic to combat encounters. Imagine mounted troops thundering past the front ranks, large monsters wading through opponents with abandon or really persistent assassins (with the Relentless Talent of course) pushing past cannon fodder to get to their target.
After a little more thought, I added in some extra stuff for ranged combat too.
With that in mind, enjoy.
Passing Charge
When making a Charge up to half your normal Running distance, you may attempt to disengage after completing your attack and continue your move up to your full Running distance. If this move takes you into melee range of another opponent you count as Engaged at the end of your turn. You do not benefit from +1 Advantage for charging the second opponent and do not gain a second attack.
Example: Robrecht’s Move rating is 4, giving him a running speed of 16 yards. If he Charges an opponent up to 8 yards away, he may attempt to disengage his opponent after making his attack and continue his move up to 16 yards in total. If this brings him into contact with a second opponent then he ends his turn engaged in close combat with that opponent. He may attack again on his next turn, but will not gain the usual +1 Advantage Charge bonus for the second opponent.
Shooting While Moving
During combat characters have a Move and an Action. To simplify play they may choose the order that they do things, so one character might Move first and then use their Action, while another does it the other way around. In reality movement often occurs at the same time as the Action and this is reflected in the combat modifiers for shooting while moving.
Difficulty | Modifier | Example |
Difficult | -10 | Shooting on a Round where you also use your Move. |
To represent this simultaneous movement and shooting, characters may choose to shoot at any point during their move.
This opens up some interesting tactics during play, as in the example above where the elf is moving behind cover.
Snap Shot
A character with the Fast Shot talent may declare they are making a Snap Shot and shoot during an opponent’s Move.
In the example above, the elf is using cover to move around the battlefield. However, the goblin archer has the Fast Shot talent and uses the optional Snap Shot rule to take a pot shot at the elf while she is out in the open and unable to benefit from cover.