Someone recently asked if it was possible to remove Corruption Points in between adventures using an Endeavour in WFRP 4e. In the published rules there isn’t anything that covers it, but I had an idea for something that would fit and so to help out I wrote an optional Endeavour called Atonement. Feel free to use it in your own WFRP 4e games.
By undertaking this Endeavour you seek to cleanse the corruption from within your soul. Perhaps you spend time meditating or praying at the local temple, or maybe you volunteer at a soup kitchen or otherwise devote your time to helping others. Whatever happens to be your chosen method, make a Challenging (+0) Cool Test. If you succeed, remove 1 Corruption Point. On an Astounding Success (6+ SLs) you are a paragon of virtue and instead remove 2 Corruption Points. If you fail the test your attempts to atone have not been sincere and you do not remove a Corruption Point. On an Astounding Failure (-6 SLs) your attempts to atone have not just failed, but you have slipped further towards darkness and you gain 1 Corruption Point.