A little while ago my RPG group started playing They Came From Beneath The Sea! It’s a great game, but as we were playing via Roll20 (we’re all over the country) we had to make do with a sheet for a different game which was less than ideal.
That is until I stepped in and said, “Okay, I’ll make a sheet for Roll20”.

I got some really nice responses from people once I had submitted it to Roll20 and it had gone live, including from the game developers themselves.
So naturally, when my group decided to give They Came From Beyond The Grave! a spin, they asked me to make a sheet for that too. Others started asking online as well, so that is exactly what I did.

Both sheets are really straightforward to use. Just fill in your stats and make rolls by clicking on the skill names. You can also randomly pick Quips and Cinematics via the clickable ‘decks’ in the lower half of the sheet.

Injuries are a doddle, just fill in the dots and the checkboxes will be checked automatically. All except for the Death Scene of course!
I’ll leave off giving more explanations for now (it’s really not needed), but if anyone has any questions, please drop a comment or two below, or catch me on Twitter or the Roll20 forums.
Will you add archetypes that were introduced in later supplements? And by extension their respective quips?
If/when I get my hands on those supplements, then yes.