Herein lay a set of optional rules for WFPR 4e. They all involve losing your voice, or denying others the use of their voice. If you want to quieten your players and not their characters, we recommend toffee and other chewy snacks. COMBAT RULE Gagging If you make a successful Grapple against an opponent, you […]
Crackpot Researcher
I recently got a copy of Star Wars: Revised, Expanded and Updated. I hadn’t played the game since West End Games were still at the helm and reading it brought back so many happy memories of playing the game, reading through the source books and of course, watching the films! Anyway, as there may be […]
Optional rules for Channelling in WFRP 4e v2
This post is a re-write and refinement of the original Optional rules for Channelling in WFRP 4e, because well… these things are never right first time are they? Attracting The Winds The Swirling Winds can be a fickle master, at one moment blowing strongly and at the next fading to a light breeze. Wizards with […]
Bats in WFRP 4e
Nocturnal mammals capable of flight, the bat is a staple of scary stories and things that go bump in the night. They hunt at night using echolocation and although the phrase “As blind as a bat” exists, it’s not really true. Their eyesight is perfectly fine. Most bats feed on insects, appearing just before dusk […]
Here Be Dragons – Part V – Examples Of Play
Examples Of Play A set of rules, some Abilities and a list of Perks is all well and good, but it’s a bit abstract and doesn’t really show you how the game is supposed to work. So I thought it was probably worth just going through a few things, to give you an idea of […]
Here Be Dragons – Part IV – Creating A Character
Creating A Character I mentioned in my first post that I wanted to create a character called Rock Hammer and now is as good a time as any, so… It’s also a good opportunity to run through the character creation process detailed in part I and pick from the Abilities listed in part II and […]