Sometimes you just have an idea and have to write it. Here’s a hastily scribbled Lore of Metal spell for your WFRP 4e games. Extract Iron CN: 5 Range: Willpower yards Target: 1 Duration: Instant You sense and call out to the iron within the blood of your target, summoning it to your side. The […]
Book Smarts
Learning from books Roderick turned the pages of the musty old tome, his eyes quickly scanning from left to right, absorbing the information contained therein. His right hand wielded a quill with furious abandon, as he scribbled down notes in a shaky hand, on a sheaf of crumpled and slightly brown paper. After a while […]
Nobody tosses a Dwarf!
I love WFRP 4e, but sometimes all I want to do as a player is throw things, like other characters and stuff. Sure there are grappling rules, but there is nothing about lobbing your opponent to the far corners of the bar room. So what can we do to fix that? Well, it’s relatively easy […]
Dual Wielder needs fixing?
This is for anyone new to WFRP 4e that might not have noticed some oddities with the Dual Wielder Talent yet and how to fix it. Here’s the lowdown. The Talent description itself is rather clunky. First you attack and then reverse your roll for the second attack, but get this, if your first attack […]
That’s about the size of it
Okay, I freely admit that I am one of those people that once they start thinking about something, they can’t stop. I am still thinking about size. This time I present a couple of spells that are a staple of the fantasy genre, being able to shrink or grow your allies and enemies alike! These […]
Under lock and key
If you have played WFRP 4e with a wizard in the party and they have the Open Lock spell, you may be wondering “What’s the point of the Pick Lock skill?” You are right to wonder that, because Open Lock is a Petty spell available to starting characters and it completely derails the Pick Lock […]